Istoria specială a tiarei cu ţepi purtată de Prinţesa Beatrice la cununia cu magnatul Edoardo Mapelli Mozzi

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Prinţesa Beatrice s-a măritat în mare secret cu magnatul italian Edoardo Mapelli Mozzi la Capela Regală din cadrul Palatului Windsor, vineri, 17 iulie. La ceremonie au participat mai puţin de 20 de persoane, printre care Regina Elisabeta şi Prinţul Philip. Tiara aleasă de Prinţesă a fost, de departe, piesa de rezistenţă a ţinutei.

        View this post on Instagram                   Congratulations to HRH Princess Beatrice and Mr Edoardo Mapelli Mozzi! #JustMarried . The couple were married in a small private ceremony at the Royal Chapel of All Saints at Royal Lodge, Windsor on Friday. . Princess Beatrice wore a vintage dress by Norman Hartnell and the Queen Mary diamond fringe tiara, both belonging to her grandmother, Her Majesty The Queen. . The tiara was worn by Her Majesty on her wedding day in 1947. . . . #RoyalFamily #RoyalWedding #britishroyalty #britishmonarchy #hermajestythequeen #thequeen #monarchy #godsavethequeen #hermajesty #britishroyals #queenelizabeth #queenelizabethii #royalstyle #thecrown #elizabethii #houseofwindsor #britishroyalfamily #queenelizabeth2 #royalfamily #ukroyals #Brideandgroom #buckinghampalace #windsorcastle #historyblogger #Englishroyalty #BritishQueen #RoyalWindsor #London #PrincessBeatrice A post shared by Queen Elizabeth II UK 🇬🇧 (@queenelizabethiiuk) on Jul 19, 2020 at 10:26am PDT

Congratulations to HRH Princess Beatrice and Mr Edoardo Mapelli Mozzi! #JustMarried . The couple were married in a small private ceremony at the Royal Chapel of All Saints at Royal Lodge, Windsor on Friday. . Princess Beatrice wore a vintage dress by Norman Hartnell and the Queen Mary diamond fringe tiara, both belonging to her grandmother, Her Majesty The Queen. . The tiara was worn by Her Majesty on her wedding day in 1947. . . . #RoyalFamily #RoyalWedding #britishroyalty #britishmonarchy #hermajestythequeen #thequeen #monarchy #godsavethequeen #hermajesty #britishroyals #queenelizabeth #queenelizabethii #royalstyle #thecrown #elizabethii #houseofwindsor #britishroyalfamily #queenelizabeth2 #royalfamily #ukroyals #Brideandgroom #buckinghampalace #windsorcastle #historyblogger #Englishroyalty #BritishQueen #RoyalWindsor #London #PrincessBeatrice

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Bijuteria regală a fost împrumutată de la bunica Regina Elisabeta, care a purtat-o la nunta cu Prinţul Philip în anul 1947. Tiara aceasta poate fi şi colier, şi a fost creată pentru Regina Mary în anul 1919. Surse diverse au afirmat de-a lungul timpului că diamantele din tiară au aparţinut Regelui George al III-lea. De fapt, pietrele preţioase provin de la colierul/tiară achiziţionat de Regina Victoria de la Collingwood & Co., ca dar de nuntă pentru Prinţesa Mary, în 1983.

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În luna august a anului 1936, Mary i-a dat tiara norei, Regina Elisabeta, care ulterior a devenit Regina Mamă. Când consoarta Regelui George al VI-lea a purtat pentru prima data tiara, Sir Henry Channon a afirmat despre bijuterie că este „o tiară urâtă cu ţepi‟.

Tiara Reginei, acel „ceva împrumutat‟ de Prinţesa Beatrice

Mai târziu, Regina Mamă i-a împrumutat tiara fiicei sale, Prinţesa Elisabeta, viitoarea Elisabeta a II-a, ca „ceva împrumutat‟ pentru nunta cu Prinţul Philip în 1947.

        View this post on Instagram                   Princess Elizabeth married Philip Mountbatten at Westminster Abbey wearing a duchesse satin gown featuring floral and blossom motifs by Norman Hartnell. With the country still in the shadow of World War II, the fabric was purchased with ration coupons. November 1947. . . . A post shared by Queen Elizabeth II UK 🇬🇧 (@queenelizabethiiuk) on May 19, 2020 at 4:58am PDT

Princess Elizabeth married Philip Mountbatten at Westminster Abbey wearing a duchesse satin gown featuring floral and blossom motifs by Norman Hartnell. With the country still in the shadow of World War II, the fabric was purchased with ration coupons. November 1947. . . .

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În timp ce se pregătea pentru ceremonia de la Biserica Westminster Abbey, Prinţesa Elisabeta a avut parte de un moment critic. Tiara pe care urma să o poarte pe cap s-a rupt şi mai erau doar câteva ore până la cununia religioasă. Din fericire, bijutierul regal era aproape şi a putut reface bijuteria în timp util.

Regina Mamă a procedat la fel şi cu nepoata Prinţesa Anne, la căsătoria cu căpitanul Mark Phillips, în 1973.

La 17 iulie 2020, tiara a fost în centrul atenţiei din nou, pentru că a fost acel „ceva împrumutat‟ al Prinţesei Beatrice, la nunta cu Edoardo Mapelli Mozzi.

        View this post on Instagram                   Congratulations to HRH Princess Beatrice and Mr Edoardo Mapelli Mozzi! #JustMarried . The couple were married in a small private ceremony at the Royal Chapel of All Saints at Royal Lodge, Windsor on Friday. . Princess Beatrice wore a vintage dress by Norman Hartnell and the Queen Mary diamond fringe tiara, both belonging to Her Majesty The Queen. . The tiara was worn by Her Majesty on her wedding day in 1947. . . . #RoyalFamily #RoyalWedding #britishroyalty #britishmonarchy #hermajestythequeen #thequeen #monarchy #godsavethequeen #hermajesty #britishroyals #queenelizabeth #queenelizabethii #royalstyle #thecrown #elizabethii #houseofwindsor #britishroyalfamily #queenelizabeth2 #royalfamily #ukroyals #Brideandgroom #buckinghampalace #windsorcastle #historyblogger #Englishroyalty #BritishQueen #RoyalWindsor #London #PrincessBeatrice A post shared by Queen Elizabeth II UK 🇬🇧 (@queenelizabethiiuk) on Jul 18, 2020 at 4:13pm PDT

Congratulations to HRH Princess Beatrice and Mr Edoardo Mapelli Mozzi! #JustMarried . The couple were married in a small private ceremony at the Royal Chapel of All Saints at Royal Lodge, Windsor on Friday. . Princess Beatrice wore a vintage dress by Norman Hartnell and the Queen Mary diamond fringe tiara, both belonging to Her Majesty The Queen. . The tiara was worn by Her Majesty on her wedding day in 1947. . . . #RoyalFamily #RoyalWedding #britishroyalty #britishmonarchy #hermajestythequeen #thequeen #monarchy #godsavethequeen #hermajesty #britishroyals #queenelizabeth #queenelizabethii #royalstyle #thecrown #elizabethii #houseofwindsor #britishroyalfamily #queenelizabeth2 #royalfamily #ukroyals #Brideandgroom #buckinghampalace #windsorcastle #historyblogger #Englishroyalty #BritishQueen #RoyalWindsor #London #PrincessBeatrice

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