Unde a ales să-şi petreacă vacanţa fetiţa Zurli. Iată cum arată la plajă

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Copiii o iubesc nespus şi stau la rând pentru a face poze cu ea, după spectacolele îndrăgitei trupe ,,Gaşca Zurli”. Actriţa cu codiţele sale celebre şi cu lipici la copii se numeşte Vero Caliman. Extrem de discretă când vine vorba despre viaţa ei personală, Vero a împărtăşit totuşi cu prietenii ei câteva poze din vacanţă.

Vero Caliman a ales să-şi petreacă vacanţa pe litoralul bulgăresc, în staţiunea Kavarna. Recent a postat pe contul ei de Instagram câteva poze în care arată locurile pe care le-a vizitat.

        View this post on Instagram                   From when in Sozopol. There, u get this kind of light, every single afternoon. Already missing it! A post shared by Vero Caliman (@verocaliman) on Jul 21, 2020 at 2:27am PDT

From when in Sozopol. There, u get this kind of light, every single afternoon. Already missing it!

A post shared by Vero Caliman (@verocaliman) on

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În una din fotografii, Vero s-a pozat pe plajă citind o carte. Locaţia etichetată se numără printre cele mai luxoase din Bulgaria. Resortul cu terenuri de golf, spa şi piscină infinită în aer liber are acces direct la o plajă cu nisip alb, care ar putea concura cu cele din insulele thailandeze.  Vezi în galeria foto cum arată plaja şi hotelul. 

        View this post on Instagram                   Book+beach=😎 A post shared by Vero Caliman (@verocaliman) on Jul 5, 2020 at 12:33pm PDT


A post shared by Vero Caliman (@verocaliman) on

Actriţa s-a bucurat de vremea frumoasă şi a vizitat un sanctuar preistoric al rocilor situat pe coasta de sud a Mării Negre a Bulgariei. Locul este cunoscut printre turişti, care vin aici pentru fotografii.

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De asemenea, Vero s-a plimbat pe străduţele oraşului vechi din Sozopol, descoperindu-i farmecul istoric. Rămâi fascinat de casele înalte cu acoperişuri roşii, având garduri de piatră şi flori la ferestre. Aici, la tot pasul găseşti terase, magazine de suveniruri şi cafenele.

        View this post on Instagram                   Sozopol is the oldest settlement on the Bulgarian Black Sea coast, founded in an area already populated by Thracians in 611 BC by Greek colonists from Miletus, who called their home Apollonia Pontica, in honour of the god Apollo. One of these early settlers was the philosopher and astronomer Anaximander. In the 6th century BC, Apollonia minted coins of its own. The town established itself as a trade, naval and cultural center in the following centuries. Remains, believed to be John the Baptist, including a skull fragment, part of an arm bone, and a tooth, were uncovered in 2010, during excavations of the floor of the medieval monastery on the island near by. A truly magical place and a must visit #bulgaria#mybulgaria#history#livemagic#positivevibes#romantic#travel#nomad#lifeofadventure#neverstopexploring#sozopol# A post shared by Travel | Nature 🇧🇬🌎🕊 (@passion_for_travels) on Jul 20, 2020 at 4:59am PDT

Sozopol is the oldest settlement on the Bulgarian Black Sea coast, founded in an area already populated by Thracians in 611 BC by Greek colonists from Miletus, who called their home Apollonia Pontica, in honour of the god Apollo. One of these early settlers was the philosopher and astronomer Anaximander. In the 6th century BC, Apollonia minted coins of its own. The town established itself as a trade, naval and cultural center in the following centuries. Remains, believed to be John the Baptist, including a skull fragment, part of an arm bone, and a tooth, were uncovered in 2010, during excavations of the floor of the medieval monastery on the island near by. A truly magical place and a must visit #bulgaria#mybulgaria#history#livemagic#positivevibes#romantic#travel#nomad#lifeofadventure#neverstopexploring#sozopol#

A post shared by Travel | Nature 🇧🇬🌎🕊 (@passion_for_travels) on

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