Declaraţia amuzantă pe care a făcut-o Kate Middleton despre pofta de mâncare a copiilor George, Charlotte şi Louis

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Te surprinde cum de copiii tăi pot mânca în cantităţi industriale, mai ales de când stau mai mult pe acasă? Nici pentru Ducesa de Cambridge hrănirea celor trei copii ai ei nu este o sarcină uşoară. Cel puţin, aşa a mărturisit în cel mai recent interviu acordat în presă.

Kate Middleton a ajutat la lansarea unei iniţiative a BBC Education care oferă resurse digitale gratuite pentru a sprijini părinţii în dezvoltarea limbajului copiilor de la sarcină până la vârsta de patru ani. Recent, ea s-a întâlnit cu trei familii pentru a discuta despre program, apoi a acordat un interviu în acest sens, difuzat pe 14 iulie.

        View this post on Instagram                   The Duchess of Cambridge has endorsed the national launch of Tiny Happy People — a BBC Education initiative designed to provide resources and support to parents and carers of children up to the age of four. Recognising the significance of the project to supporting parents as they guide their children through the earliest years of life, The Royal Foundation of The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge will collaborate with the BBC 🤝 as they continue to develop and roll out @bbctinyhappypeople. Tiny Happy People resources are easy to build into a daily routine and proven to deliver great results for parents and their young children — visit the link in our bio to see the resources. A post shared by Duke and Duchess of Cambridge (@kensingtonroyal) on Jul 13, 2020 at 10:04pm PDT

The Duchess of Cambridge has endorsed the national launch of Tiny Happy People — a BBC Education initiative designed to provide resources and support to parents and carers of children up to the age of four. Recognising the significance of the project to supporting parents as they guide their children through the earliest years of life, The Royal Foundation of The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge will collaborate with the BBC 🤝 as they continue to develop and roll out @bbctinyhappypeople. Tiny Happy People resources are easy to build into a daily routine and proven to deliver great results for parents and their young children — visit the link in our bio to see the resources.

A post shared by Duke and Duchess of Cambridge (@kensingtonroyal) on

În timpul discuţiei, Kate a vorbit deschis despre apetitul crescut al copiilor ei, prinţul George, prinţesa Charlotte şi prinţul Louis. „Copiii mei par nişte saci fără fund”, a spus Middleton. „Mă simt ca o maşinărie care îi hrăneşte neîntrerupt”, a adăugat ea.

Pofta de mâncare a copiilor a crescut în carantină

Afirmaţia ei nu surprinde prea mult pentru că, inclusiv în timpul carantinei, atât ducesa, cât şi prinţul William au povestit despre experienţa lor cu copiii care mănâncă mai mult decât de obicei.

        View this post on Instagram                   🙌🌟 Say hello to @bbctinyhappypeople! Tune into @bbcbreakfast 📺 on Tuesday 14th July to join The Duchess of Cambridge and three families involved in its creation. Tiny Happy People is a BBC Education initiative providing a range of free digital resources, specifically designed to support parents and carers in developing children’s language from pregnancy to the age of four. Take a look at the resources via the link in our bio #TinyHappyPeople A post shared by Duke and Duchess of Cambridge (@kensingtonroyal) on Jul 13, 2020 at 2:30pm PDT

🙌🌟 Say hello to @bbctinyhappypeople! Tune into @bbcbreakfast 📺 on Tuesday 14th July to join The Duchess of Cambridge and three families involved in its creation. Tiny Happy People is a BBC Education initiative providing a range of free digital resources, specifically designed to support parents and carers in developing children’s language from pregnancy to the age of four. Take a look at the resources via the link in our bio #TinyHappyPeople

A post shared by Duke and Duchess of Cambridge (@kensingtonroyal) on

În luna aprilie, Kate a dezvăluit că gătitul ţine ocupat întregul clan Cambridge. „Ajungi la sfârşitul zilei să scrii lista tuturor lucrurilor pe care le-ai făcut în ziua respectivă. Am ridicat un cort, l-am strâns, am gătit, am copt. Ne-am distrat toţi foarte mult, dar e uimitor câte poţi înghesui într-o zi ", a spus ea pentru BBC.

Apoi, luna trecută, ducele de Cambridge chiar a vorbit despre obiceiurile lui alimentare: „Sunt îngrijorat de talia naţiunii cu tot apetitul acesta pentru ciocolată şi prăjituri. Am copt şi eu destul de mult acasă". Acum înţelegem de unde au moştenit pofta de mâncare George, Charlotte şi Louis.

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